Thursday, August 27, 2009

Being Objective and Not Subjective!

The specific circumstances, situation and conditions that happen to prevail at a particular point in time will dictate what is the expedient or necessary thing to do.
To be premature in your actions will result in not enough life support to allow your premature actions to succeed and what you wished to come into being will be stillborn.
Marx said, “I am not a Marxist! I am a STUDENT OF MARXISM!” It should be viewed not as a dogma but as a work in progress!
Those that state that struggle should never take on the character of a dictatorship and should always be seen as democratic and not abusive toward those that are not convinced of the correctness of a particular position. This type of belief is not Marxist because it is a dogmatic approach to class struggle and does not allow the specific objective conditions determine the nature and character of the struggle.
To be objective is to not be subjective.

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