Tuesday, September 29, 2009

From the Bottom up!

The insurrectionists in Texas and in the southern states of America are looking backward toward a freedom from our federal democratic government, …and backward toward a liberated segregated provincial way of life, that is bigoted and white supremacist, and free from the ideas of the “Enlightenment.”
States Rights and republican conservatism and mercantile capitalism is the unrealistic thinking and goals of the most backward elements in the USA.
Wake up! The Twenty-First Century Capitalism is “Global” and all powerful! It is impossible to resurrect the past! The world of nationalism is being negated out of existence by the global economy. Capitalism and big business is all powerful and all global! For now it rules with an iron hand!
You backward Libertarian conservatives should wake up to today’s reality!
A “Public Sector” that has not sold out to members of the “private sector’s special interests” (for pieces of gold) … is supposed to represent and support the general public, and to do so by creating a total environment that will promote the general well being of the people as a whole.
To say that if the public sector does this kind of a deed is “Socialism” is crazy talk!
Government will rule either from the top down, … or from the “bottom up,” which is the way a democracy rules.
AS the planet moves toward an integrated one world global village we earthlings have to decide if we want to be ruled from the top down or from the bottom up!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Defining Dialectical Materialism!

Dialectical materialism is a “scientific method” that is used to understand matter in motion, …the way society and the world is structured, and how and why it changes, and how history evolved and developed in it’s various stages, and how to predict with scientific accuracy, within the laws of probability, …outcome, … and the inevitability of the inheirant nature and charicteristics of past and future change.
This is only my understanding of “Dialectical Materialism,” and I am only a very old student of the subject that is developing and ongoing!

Friday, September 25, 2009

GLENN BECK/Revolutionary!

I am all for responsible reporting on the public airwaves! Those that use the airwaves to deliberately and repeatedly use fabrications that are not true, are dangerous to the public safety and to the constitution that is supposed to guarantee our rights of free speech. Americans have free speech rights, … but not the freedom to shout “FIRE!” when their is no fire, inside a crowded theatre!
The irresponsable reporting by the likes of “Glenn Beck” creates a “mob” mentality! A mob mentality that can and will (according to history) incite violence against those that are portrayed as different from that of the mob!
Let’s face it! There are those in america that are looking forward to inciting a “RACE WAR,” and are using the public air waves and the fact of a black president to incite mobs to act violently against the government of the USA!
You have to be blind to not recognize the conservative movement direction toward insurection of a pluralistic and multi-cultural america and instituting in it’s place what existed in our racist fundamentalist bigoted past!
All of this backward movement toward our unenlightened past is being done in the name of fighting “COMMUNISM!

Global Capitalism!

The insurrectionists in Texas and in the southern states of America are looking backward toward a freedom from our federal democratic government, and backward toward a liberated segregated provincial way of life that is bigoted and white supremacist and free from the ideas of the “Enlightenment.”
States Rights and republican conservatism and mercantile capitalism is the unrealistic thinking and goals of the most backward elements in the USA.
Wake up! The Twenty-First Century Capitalism is “Global” and all powerful! It is impossible to resurrect the past! The world of nationalism is being negated out of existence by the global economy. Capitalism and big business is all powerful and all global! For now it rules with an iron hand!
You backward Libertarian conservatives should wake up to today’s reality!


Those of you that say, “Government” is the problem and that our economic salvation is to get government off our backs and to let the private sector without government interference be free to do what it does best for the system of capitalism and America!
You IDIOTS that believe this dogmatic Libertarian nonsense are truly blind to our recent American history!
The democrats have replaced the republicans as the “party in power” because of the obvious reason that the democratic party represents the “end of the Republican Era,” of “unrestrained capitalism,” that is allowed to run wild, without government oversight, as they pursue the “all mighty dollar!”
The economic collapse of the world market economy occurred during the Bush regime that cared little about the common good and only cared about investors making a quick profit, … and the “public be damned!”
The present day “Republicans” have gone so far to the extreeme and are allied with the out of touch backward thinking Libertarians that think that they know everything about economics but know nothing, except how to be greedy and anti-social, This type of activity is represented to their greedy anti-social followers, as being for “individual freedom.”
This “republican extremism,” will very quickly dump the republican party into the “trash can,” of the no longer relevant political parties that existed in our no longer relevant past!
With the disappearance of the no longer relevant “republicans,” from our modern day reality, I believe that their will be a new “political realignment.”
The democrats will morph into the modern day, relevant conservative party, and a socialist leaning party will become a mainstream party in a modern day two party system.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The C I A and NAZIS!

The intelligence community during the 2nd world war was designed to defeat the Nazi march through Europe and elsewhere. Part of this effort was to make contact with the anti Nazi underground that were mostly headed by the communists and the communist party.
The american intelligence community that worked closely with communists so as to defeat the Nazis was disbanded because of the new focus to defeat the Communist menace that threatened capitalism all over the world.
The CIA was established for the purpose of fighting communism and defeating the Soviet Union.
It was decided that agents that would be recruited into the newly formed CIA would be members that were formerly of the German Gestapo.
Former high ranking Nazis that were recruited into the CIA gave the intelligence community its particular character and personality.
It is time to disband the Nazi like CIA and establish an intelligence community that is more relevant to what is occurring in the 21st century.


Those that condone inflicting torture on their enemies are showing their ignorance about international law.
They also are inviting torture to be inflicted on American troops by upholding these barbaric acts as something that is a normal and productive way to gain information.
Civilization has long ago recognized that torture does not produce reliable information, it only satisfies the primitive mind that gets stimulated by seeing someone being tortured.
It seems that it is always the politically ignorant and uneducated "RIGHT WING all over the planet that cannot see cause and effect and advocates not only torture but also "NUKING PEOPLE INTO THE STONE AGE!"
"What comes around, goes around!"

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Private Property, was aquired in the early days, by the conquering of weaker tribes and grabbing their land Those that profited from owning land profited because of the exploitation of chattel slaves, share croppers and feudal serfs. …
After the industrial revolution owners of factorys, mines and mills, got rich profiting from the exploitation of cheap labor.
People that own for a living, have only land, factories, mines, mills and stores. None of these investments by owners is creating new value, until a decision is made, to create new value. New value is only created by the purchase of people that are willing to work for a wage. The worker creates value, and that value is measured by the amount of necessary time that is spent by that worker in the creation of that thing of value. That value could be exchanged for value that has an equal amount of socially necessary time attached to it.
Because the worker that created a thing of value, receives value in the form of a wage, that is much less than the value that he or she created as a worker.
The amount of value produced by the worker and not received by the worker is the amount that was stolen by the owner from the worker.
The evidence of this grand theft is the fact that due to this exploitation of labor power all over the world, the workers had and have been encouraged to organize as a class, so as to receive more of that pie known as the gross national product.
This thievery by the private sector is a form of stealing that overshadows every other kind of massive stealing!
Taxes is not thievery, as some ignorant individuals would have you believe!
The Government that has the responsability of maintaining social order so that the society can run without disruption, must collect taxes to pay for what is necessary to maintain order and promote the general good!

The Insurrectionists!

How can people be so stupid to believe that Obama is a secret Communist that is conspiring to have the communists take over our country!
Spreading this crazy nonsense, is sick and dangerous because weak minded individuals will become so radicalized by this type of nonsense, that they will recruit these “anti-idiots” in an attempt to separate from the USA, that they wrongfully believe has been taken over by the evil communists and black people!
There are insurrectionists at the present time using hatred for communism, socialism and Barack Obama, … to recruit idiot americans that don’t know squash about ideologies, but think that they are experts,… they will be recruited into an all Christian fundamentalist, all white army, that will crusade against Godless America!
The South will rise again according to these traitors to America and in truth, traitors to democracy!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Religious Nuts!

I do believe that the brain of the theocratic, dogmatic right wing has been seriously impared by their stuborn holding on to the dogmas of their religious past.
Science will render the president day “believers as no longer influential or useful, in the modern world of common sense!” These religious nuts are contemptable of verifiable evidence, and are holding on for dear life, to their mid evil superstitions and narrow prejudices so that they can convince themselves that they are superior to all that exists!
These intellectual midgets are capable of only one response to all arguments!
“Duh! You are a communist!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A More Perfect Union!

“Extremism” is looked upon as extreme only because it is not popular. What is regarded as “GOOO” or “BAD” is regarded so because of the specific conditions that exist at a particular point in time, and where your particular interests is, in relation to the interest that you are competing against.
Those that cannot see beyond our early beginnings and understand what progress has transpired through the continuous common struggle of opposing interests, are blind, as to what is a "forward movement," and what is a "backward movement," in the history of the peoples struggle to make a more perfect union.