Friday, June 13, 2008


I am for McCain! It's about time we have an old man for president, that remembers the good old days, where women knew their place, and would stay home and bake cookies, and not think that they are as good as their male counterpart!
Wild sex is for men folk! ...Decent women must set an example for their daughters by being obedient and non assertive so good decent men will marry them and take care of them, ..( as long as they do not stray from the path of righteousness!)
A President McCain will will not only keep our women-folk in line. he will also protect us from all our enemies everywhere on earth and beyond!
His Military Industrial Complex will not only destroy our enemies but we will make a lot of money as we destroy those that don't think like we do!
100 years of glorious war is a small price to pay for the benefits that we will gather as we conquer the world!

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