Friday, August 28, 2009

Social Evolution!

The reason all societies and everything that exists evolve eventually to an advanced stage of development than what formerly existed is the fact that life is a learning experience. If you understand science you will know that science has discovered that matter in motion is a interaction between opposite poles and that all forms of matter and all that reflect matter in motion follows a similar path as they evolve. The evidence of the way all things evolve are similar so it should be no surprise that the stage of Feudalism gave birth to capitalism, and it will be followed by the stage of socialism and than a system of communism will evolve out of the system of socialism. It is inevitable! It has been written in the stars and into everything that ever existed. You may not like what the future will bring, but it will happen because it is the only thing that can happen! …IT”S EVOLUTION!
PS. …What will happen in the future will not revolve around your likes or dislikes. The future is an expression of the objective forces in the universe and not an expression of the subjective notion of what should and should not be!

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