Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Forest and the TREES!

If you work for a living and do not own for a living your interest is furthered by the common struggle of working people everywhere to better their conditions and raise their standard of living so that they and you can get an increasingly larger share of the value that is produced by you and your fellow workers.
It is now possible for advanced technology to produce much more material wealth with less effort than ever before. This technology was produced by working technologists, scientists, and other working professionals. It should belong to those that are the producers of this technology and to those workers that utilize this technology and in so doing benefit and enrich the entire society.
But instead those exploiters that own for a living are calling the shots and as a consequence the 90% concentration of capital and wealth in the USA is in the greedy hands of only 1% of the people. These parasites do not work for a living but instead own for a living.
The people that think that their fate and well being is an individual thing and is not a part of a struggle of groups that have a common interest is sorely mistaken.
If you cannot see the forrest because of the trees, it is because you are short sighted! …I suggest that you climb to the top of the tree so you could see not only the individual trees but also the big picture, and how you as an individual fit into that big picture, … and the scheme of things

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