Monday, August 4, 2008


Life is a learning experience! Everything eventually will turn to it's opposite. "Ignorance" will eventually become "enlightenment." You cannot stop progress. "Competition" must eventually become "cooperation." ...It's "DIALECTICAL!" ..."Dogma" and "Superstition" will be replaced by the "Scientific Method!".. "Subjective believing" will be replaced by "Objective knowing!" ...The future is a freight train and those that stand in it's way will be run over and crushed and buried inside the trash can of the no longer relevant past.
Capitalism will turn to Socialism and Socialism will turn to Communism and the ignorant will never know what hit them and buried them.
You cannot stop the forward movement of history!
Wars will end when "Nation States" are transformed into a cooperative "global village" that is ruled from the bottom up, rather then from the top down!

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